venerdì 26 febbraio 2016


What do you know of the origins of Castelvetrano?

The origins of Castelvetrano are said to go back to the ancient Sican population of Legum and successively to the colonies of the so-called Selinuntine veterans in charge of the victual (hence the ancient name “castrum veteranorum”).
The town, however, is documented only from the Angevin period onwards. In 1299 Castelvetrano was granted to the Tagliavia, who were later to become the first princes of the city and whose surname evolved into Aragon, then Pignatelli between the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth century.
In becoming the capital of the Tagliavia-Aragon territory, Castelvetrano was enhanced with numerous works of art. In 1522, Charles V raised the status of the city to that of country; in 1564, Philip II promoted it to principality. In the 1600s the city was struck by the plague and famine, recovering from it in the 1700s. After the mid-nineteenth century uprisings brought about by regiments of volunteers following Garibaldi, and after the unification of Italy, the powerful Saporito family exerted influence over Castelvetrano which lasted beyond half a century.
The prosperity of the city as an agricultural centre is mainly due to its vineyards and olive groves, and to the exportation of olives, olive oil, and wine. The primary sector represents the core of post-World War II urban economy, with several attempts to develop the metalmechanic and wood industries.
Today, Castelvetrano is aiming primarily at improving its touristic vocation.

mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016


I.I.S.S. "Cipolla-Pantaleo-Gentile" is a public secondary level school in Castelvetrano, a town to the South of  Italy, in the province of Trapani (Sicily). It has got over 1,100 students ,aged 14-19, and around 100 teachers.
Liceo Scientifico "Michele Cipolla" (literally scientific lyceum) is one of the three schools belonging to the same school network under the chairmanship of Ms Gaetana Maria Barresi.
There are three different options: standard curriculum; applied sciences option; language option.
All of them aim at giving students the skills to progress to any university or higher educational institution.
The curricula underline the close relationship between the humanistic tradition and scientific culture. Students study for five years and attend the school from the age of 14 to 19. At the end of the fifth year all students sit for a final examination ,the "Esame di Stato".


martedì 23 febbraio 2016


The 2nd Vocational School of Evosmos (2nd EPAL Evosmou) is a public vocational secondary level School of Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. It is located in the area of Evosmos, the most crowded area of the west sector of Thessaloniki. The population of the School Unit exceeds the 400 students and the 56 professors. The sectors of expertise of this School Unit are:informatics dept., Electronics dept., Electrical dept., and Financial Administration dept.

I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace is a public secondary level school in Grudziadz, a town in the north of Poland. It has got over 450 students aged 16-18, and around 40 teachers. Although it is not a vocational school, the classes are specialized in specific areas, such as chemistry, biology, humanities, languages, mathematics and IT. The school's objective is to prepare young people for adult life,being well-educated, aware of the business possibilities, open for modern technologies and in any sense creative. Almost all of the students apply for positions at universities and other high schools successfully.

It is  a secondary school placed in Baza (Granada), Spain. There are approximately 1000 students and 90 teachers. Baza is located in a rural zone, of scanty industrial and managerial development. For that reason the project is orientated to stirring the entrepreneurship into action and to facilitate initiatives of access to the work, what can be very beneficial for the local, national and international zone.  Besides the secondary education and the bachillerato, there are several Vocational Trainings, which determine  vocation of linking the education with the labor and managerial world. General  objectives include promoting synergies between entrepreneurs, employment and development of the region, so skills are closely linked with the purpose of the project.  

sabato 20 febbraio 2016



Our School is greatly interested in spreading knowledge about Europe in the region in order to strengthen “mind openness through education. Thus the value of intercultural activities is exceptionally valuable as regards students. They have the concrete opportunity to meet other people’s culture, habits, landscapes, and by comparing them to their  own “limited” world, recognize and appreciate differences and similarities. At the same time all this creates a special feeling between young people that is the starting point for future integration.



This project aims at boosting young people's opportunities in society by contributing to enhance those skills which will be necessary for them to succeed in 2020 Europe and which will facilitate their access to quality employment no matter what the gender, geographical location or social background is. It is widely acknowledged that there is a relation between lack of industrial development and level of depopulation, so we intend to work transnationally joining efforts, expertise and resources in order to improve students' preparation for design their own business initiatives linked to natural enviroments, respecting and making them a source of wealth and employment. We also want them to be more competent for the work market, by contributing to better/ upgrade their attainment in transversal skills especially entrepreneurship, foreign languages, digital competence and intercultural competence as well as basic skills through the development of a multidisciplinary approach and innovative practices aiming to meet the needs of those target groups addressed by this project, the so-called "millennial" generation.
At the same time, the project takes into account the urgent necessity to enhance the professional development of those working with young people suggesting/setting out the implementation of an integrated approach which caters for the demands of 21st century/ EU/ in terms of skills, contexts and work challenges. As a matter of fact, the exchange of experience/ best practices is going to be fostered at a local, national and international level digitally and during Transnational Project meetings. Furthermore, the approach which inspires the LTT activities (learning/teaching/training activities) as well as the intellectual outputs emphasizes the value of connecting learning to the world outside, taking responsibility for the environment and encouraging the establishment of links within and beyond the EU, as a way to broaden students' horizons and improving their inter-cultural and social competence, which will in the short- or medium- term facilitate their work in international teams. We are convinced that by supporting students' formation in the realm of key competences and creating rich, stimulating and multilingual environments for them to explore, we will make a positive and active contribution to young people's quality learning, well-being and employability.

Natural spaces: Entrepreneurial Green Europe

Agreement number: 2015-1-ESO1-KA201-015887  

Il progetto "Natural spaces: Entrepreneurial Green Europe"  prevede il coinvolgimento, per 36 mesi, delle seguenti scuole europee: I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace (Polonia), Ies Pedro Jimenez Montoya (Spain), 2o Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Evosmou (Grecia), I.I.S.S. “Cipolla-Pantaleo-Gentile”. Le attività, di volta in volta proposte, avranno lo scopo di sviluppare negli studenti, così come pure nella collettività , capacità operative e di azione  atte a creare  una società ecologica e solidale, con nuovi stili di vita, strettamente correlati a una cittadinanza consapevole e partecipata. Ampio spazio sarà, altresì, dato all’imprenditoria giovanile nell’ambito della “green economy”. Studenti delle terze classi dovranno creare virtualmente delle start-up con relativo business plan. I suddetti lavori saranno giudicati da una Commissione, a livello internazionale, con possibilità di tradurre, in termini concreti, quanto realizzato in forma teorica. 
Al fine di poter portare avanti , al meglio, le diverse attività, è stato creato, all’interno della scuola uno staff di docenti/esperti che si occuperanno di aspetti salienti: Anna Neri (responsabile); Anna Maria Agate e Francesco Saverio Calcara (piano di disseminazione e contatti con enti, associazioni e autorità locali/regionali e nazionali) ; Angela Lentini (informatica); Anna Maria Gucciardo e Anna Maria Sammartano (asse scientifico); Mirella Bivona 
( spagnolo), Melchiorre Leggio (Arte).