sabato 20 febbraio 2016


This project aims at boosting young people's opportunities in society by contributing to enhance those skills which will be necessary for them to succeed in 2020 Europe and which will facilitate their access to quality employment no matter what the gender, geographical location or social background is. It is widely acknowledged that there is a relation between lack of industrial development and level of depopulation, so we intend to work transnationally joining efforts, expertise and resources in order to improve students' preparation for design their own business initiatives linked to natural enviroments, respecting and making them a source of wealth and employment. We also want them to be more competent for the work market, by contributing to better/ upgrade their attainment in transversal skills especially entrepreneurship, foreign languages, digital competence and intercultural competence as well as basic skills through the development of a multidisciplinary approach and innovative practices aiming to meet the needs of those target groups addressed by this project, the so-called "millennial" generation.
At the same time, the project takes into account the urgent necessity to enhance the professional development of those working with young people suggesting/setting out the implementation of an integrated approach which caters for the demands of 21st century/ EU/ in terms of skills, contexts and work challenges. As a matter of fact, the exchange of experience/ best practices is going to be fostered at a local, national and international level digitally and during Transnational Project meetings. Furthermore, the approach which inspires the LTT activities (learning/teaching/training activities) as well as the intellectual outputs emphasizes the value of connecting learning to the world outside, taking responsibility for the environment and encouraging the establishment of links within and beyond the EU, as a way to broaden students' horizons and improving their inter-cultural and social competence, which will in the short- or medium- term facilitate their work in international teams. We are convinced that by supporting students' formation in the realm of key competences and creating rich, stimulating and multilingual environments for them to explore, we will make a positive and active contribution to young people's quality learning, well-being and employability.

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