domenica 5 febbraio 2017


Natural Spaces is based on three main ideas that act as guidelines and building blocks for the project’s philosophy, objectives and methodology: LEARN. ACT. CONNECT.

It allows to address issues related to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, ecological footprint and compensation, environmental restoration and communication. 

During three days, in February , a group of students from our school participated in a customized educational program, where they learned about their individual ecological footprint, how to evaluate the environmental quality of outdoor spaces and how to act to protect natural resources.

To move from theory to practice, students took part in field actions such as waste collection,  control of invasive alien species and native tree plantations. together with volunteers from Legambiente Crimiso - Castelvetrano.

Certainly these experiences and the fieldwork will contribute to strengthen their ecological awareness and facilitate their task as eco- ambassadors  in our school and in the territory...

 Risultati immagini per immagini divertenti eco ambasciatori

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